Thursday, November 13, 2008

It's that time....

It's that time....when Nick is getting old enough that sooner or later we're going to have to potty train him. Yea! No more diapers..... Boo! Potty training is a pain in the you-know-what.

Anyway, he's gotten up a few times with a totally dry diaper, so Saturday when he got up I sat him on the potty to see if anything would happen. We've done this before, and usually it just results in him rapidly flushing the toilet over and over, or something else equally unproductive.
Well, SATURDAY, I sat him down and he just went.
Yea! Good job Nick, you're a big boy now (blah, blah, get the idea).
Sunday I sat him up there,
and he looks down and says.... "Here it comes!"
and sure enough, here comes the peepee.
Yea! Yea! Good job Nick, you're a big boy now (blah, blah, get the idea).

Did you notice I said Saturday and Sunday, and today is Thursday? Yeah. That would be because we haven't managed anything more since the weekend. I just get the pre-recorded message: "Um, Mom-mom? It's not working!"

I told you Potty training is a pain in the you-know-what!

1 comment:

Shell said...

And I should say that was NOVEMBER, and it's February, and haven't had another success yet either! I knew it was too good to be true!